Tag Archives: monitoring

The analysis of mangrove forest changes period of 20 years in Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam using remote sensing and GIS technology – Nguyen et al. 2018

On January 21, 2000, the MAB/UNESCO Committee recognized the Can Gio mangrove forest as an International Biosphere Reserve. The MAB/UNESCO committee requires every potential biosphere reserve to be assessed for a period of 10 years. During this time, the ecology of the area is closely reviewed, including the vegetation cover. This study used 45 sample…

Learning the role of biodiversity monitoring in a biosphere reserve – Vasseur 2018

Biosphere reserves have long been considered a place for learning about the environment, biodiversity and conservation, and sustainable development. While environmental education can be one of their man- dates, many other institutions or organizations can play a contributing role in this matter. In this paper, I present how my UNESCO Chair and Brock University decided…
