Volume 7 Issue 1
Hosted online and accessible to all, the journal aims to publish multi-media research about the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Submissions will cover themes relating to the mandate and functions of UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme: conservation of biological and cultural diversity, sustainable development, and collaborative projects, research, and initiatives that demonstrate best practices relating to the human-nature connection.

Share your work
Contribute to the growing UNESCO Biosphere Reserve dialogue and be a part of history. Through written, video, audio, and other media submissions, this journal provides an international forum for the collective body of multidisciplinary research occurring in biosphere reserves across the globe. Acceptance of material must adhere to the Submission Guidelines. To find out more about various multi-media submissions, please click MORE for details.

Give us your thoughts
We would love to hear from you about the website, content, and any general feedback on your experiences. If you would like to get involved with the journal, now is your chance! We are always seeking blogging material and anything to help continue on with this not-for-profit journal. From the team here at Vancouver Island University & Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute, we thank you for your visit and contribution.
Pamela Shaw PhD MCIP RPP FRCGS MABRRI Research Director,
Vancouver Island University,
900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo BC, V9R 5S5
Tele: (250) 753-3245, Local 2620
Email: Pam.Shaw@viu.ca
Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute, Vancouver Island University
900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo BC, V9R 5S5, Canada
Tele: (250) 753-3245, Local 2802
Email: mabrri@viu.ca