In 2014, preliminary surveys were undertaken to assess the extent of distribution of lamprey in the headwaters of Morrison Creek in Courtenay, BC. In support of the identification of critical habitat of Morrison Creek lamprey (Lampetra richardsoni var. marifuga), further studies were undertaken in June and July 2015 to determine if adult lamprey were present in the headwaters. Until this time, they had only been observed in the main stem of the creek. Over the 23 days of trapping, 176 lampreys were caught and measured, 15 of which were adult L. richardsoni variety marifuga. This information confirms the increased expansion of the previously reported distribution of L. richardsoni variety marifuga within the Morrison Creek watershed.
Identification of Range Extent of the Morrison Creek Lamprey![ID of Range Extent of the Morrison Creek Lamprey in Canada – MacConnachie, Wade, & Waters](