This report outlines the developmental history of the MABR from its conception in the early 1990s through its evolution into an effective, functional biosphere region in 2016. It describes why and how the biosphere reserve concept was initially felt to be appropriate for the region; the challenges in trying to achieve UNESCO recognition without initial…
A biosphere reserve is a unique kind of protected area that differs from national parks and other kinds of protected natural areas having three very different, but equal, aims: conservation, scientific research and monitoring; and sustainable development. MAB was launched in 1971 and the BR network in 1976. Currently, WNBR had grown to include 686…
The Songor wetlands form an ecologically valuable resource in Ghana, providing numerous support for biological diversity. Despite its relevance, studies have shown that overexploitation due to developmental activities and overdependence on their values for livelihood pose a threat to the existence of the wetlands. This study investigated long-term changes that have occurred as a result…
A commitment charter has been drawn up to recognise the socio-economic actors of the Biosphere Reserves and acknowledge their commitment to the environment and sustainable development. This progress strategy complements the labelling of products and services and has set up networks of eco-actors, who are partners and ambassadors of the Biosphere Reserves. [pdf-embedder url="" title="A…
Volume 3 Issue 1: International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. Released July 2019. [pdf-embedder url=""]
Social-ecological systems have steadily evolved from expert-led management towards community involvement. In line with the upcoming engagement of youth as…
Flash floods are devastating because of their abruptness. Moreover, scientists expect increased flash flood frequency from current precipitation extremes due…