Volume 6 Issue 1: International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves [pdf-embedder url="http://biospherejournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/V6I1_Final.pdf"]
Updates to the EuroMab Literature Database 2021-2022 – Gledhill, 2022
The EuroMab Literature Database starting in 2021 has had significant updates to the overall database. This article details the significant updates and changes that has occurred to the database during 2021 to March 2022 period. [pdf-embedder url="http://biospherejournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/1-Updates-to-the-EuroMab-Literature-Database-2021-2022.pdf" title="1-Updates to the EuroMab Literature Database 2021-2022"]
The Spotlight on Youth: Young People as Key Stakeholders in Biosphere Reserves and the Man and the Biosphere Programme – Barraclough et. al, 2021
Sustainable development has at his heart the mis-sion to make our planet a life-sustaining place for future generations. Young stakeholders are key to sustainability transformations, both as active participants that push them forward but also as actors vulnerable to being left behind. As testing sites for sustainable development, Biosphere Reserves (BRs) are home to millions…
Feature Article – Space2Place – An E-Learning Module to Empower Stakeholders of UNESCO Sites – Matusch et al. 2018
With World Heritage Sites, Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks, the UNESCO has declared a huge variety of places that are worth being preserved in almost all countries. An increasing number of these sites are “in Danger”, being affected by environmental processes, or impacted by climate change and human devastation. The adaptive e-learning module Space2Place gives…
Poaching in the Mount Elgon Trans-Boundary Ecosystem – Shikuku et al. 2018
This article assesses poaching in the Mount Elgon trans-boundary eco-system. The study employed a social survey research design. One hundred households were sampled and interviewed using questionnaires. Secondary data was collected from KWS and UWA wildlife offices and key informants in Kenya and Uganda. Household survey results showed that the wildlife class mostly targeted in…
Biosphere Reserves: Learning spaces for sustainability – Herrero 2017
Since 1976, the research on sustainable development practices at the Biosphere Reserves (BRs) of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme have yielded valuable experiences and built an important knowledge base. The practical knowledge acquired in that collection is presently dispersed and risks disappearing due to its diffuse nature, complexity, social changes, and lack of…
Bioregions vs. Biosphere Reserves – Alexander
In the past fifty years, various concepts have emerged that have the potential to assist societies in achieving greater sustainability. In this article I will briefly review the evolution of the bioregion and biosphere reserve concepts, look at definitional issues, at their similarities and differences, and at their relative strengths and weaknesses as vehicles for…